
Event Portal Festspielhaus Bregenz

Digital Access for Customers

Festspielhaus Bregenz
Bregenz, Austria


Customer Portal
Enterprise CMS
System Integration


An event portal was developed for Festspielhaus Bregenz, offering potential visitors an appealing overview of the venue’s services and forming an essential part of the customer journey.

Beforehand, a detailed analysis of the existing processes was carried out, as well as documentation of the current system landscape.

Festspielhaus Bregenz Kundenportal Veranstaltungsportal

Optimizing Processes
Overall, the processes from the initial inquiry to post-event follow-up should be streamlined. The event portal aims to optimize the first stage of this process.

Professional Preparation
Modern, digital presentation format. Interested parties gain digital access to event-relevant data. The marketing-optimized presentation of the venue and its services reflects the high quality awareness of the establishment.

Balance of Automation / Customizability
The creation of offers has been highly automated. Project managers can assemble the modules they wish to present with just a few clicks and add personalized content. Despite the high level of automation, it was essential to ensure that edge cases are still covered and that there is enough room for customization.

More High-Quality Offers
Through optimization, project managers should be able to create more high-quality offers for increased inquiries.

The digitization of our event portal has not only optimized our processes but also significantly improved customer interaction. Pamela Wehinger
Marketing & Development, Festspielhaus Bregenz

Result / Benefits

Optimized Processes – The processing time has been significantly minimized, which also leads to comprehensive offers being prepared for more inquiries.

Support & Vacation Coverage – Notifications remind users of deadline expirations. An intuitive dashboard allows for easy handover of projects between colleagues. The management backend offers filtering options based on project manager, project status, etc.

Customer Satisfaction – Feedback regarding the optimized digital access speaks for itself. Further expansion, optimization, and ongoing support are planned.