
Website & newsletter solution for ASVÖ Vorarlberg.

ASVÖ Vorarlberg
Hohenems, Austria


Corporate Website
Enterprise CMS
Newsletter Solution

Dalpra & Partner

The ASVÖ Vorarlberg is an organization dedicated to promoting sports with enthusiasm, actively supporting athletes and organizations. The online portal provides comprehensive information on various topics. An integrated newsletter solution linked to the CRM allows for keeping all interested parties informed.

Asvoe Website
We thank isicore for the professional collaboration and the implementation of our website, which significantly contributes to optimizing our processes and increasing our efficiency through its functionality. Clemens Fiel
Geschäftsführer ASVÖ Vorarlberg

Open Source CMS
The online portal was developed based on the open-source CMS Umbraco. The modular user management system allows for different permission levels in the backend and provides a simple and intuitive way to manage content.

Automatic Countdowns for Submission Deadlines
Since adherence to submission deadlines is crucial for funding applications, a countdown has been integrated into the website to automatically display the remaining time until the submission deadlines expire.

Integrated Newsletter Solution
The newsletter solution integrated into the CMS allows for the quick assembly of current topics, dates, and important deadlines in just a few steps. The creation of the newsletter in the ASVÖ corporate identity is fully automated by the system.

Integration with Sports CRM
The newsletter solution is connected to the Sports CRM, which is a customized version of Microsoft CRM. This allows recipient data to be managed in one central location. Depending on the role within the organization and individual settings, data from the CRM can be filtered and used for ongoing communication with officials and interested parties without any further manual steps.